Welcome to Cannon Hall Garden Centre, Thyme Bistro & Takeaway

Located directly opposite beautiful Cannon Hall Park in the picturesque and historic village of Cawthorne in South Yorkshire.

Whether you’re looking for something specific for your garden, are out for a walk or just fancy popping in to the bistro we’d like to welcome customers old and new.

The Garden Centre

Thyme Bistro

Happy Pets

Joules Stockists

Seasalt Stockists

Barbour Stockists

Visit Us

Cannon Hall Garden Centre & Thyme Bistro
Bark House Lane, Cawthorne, S75 4AT


9.00 – 5.30 Monday to Saturday
9.00 – 5.00 Sunday


Car parking including disabled spaces are available at the garden centre. Parking is £1.00 for up to 2 hours and is redeemable against any purchase of £5 or over in the garden centre or bistro.


At Cannon Hall Garden Centre, we are confident that your hardy plant purchase will thrive in your garden.

However, to offer you peace of mind, we offer a 12 month hardy plant guarantee.

We offer a free replacement or credit for any container-grown hardy plant which dies, providing we are satisfied it has received reasonable care, it bears the garden centre label and is returned within 12 months with a valid receipt.

Fancy some last minute afternoon tea plans this weekend?

Lots of tasty homemade treats to be enjoyed either inside the bistro or alfresco on our lovely outdoor terrace area.

No bookings required, simply turn up any day from 2.30pm. Afternoon teas are served with tea or coffee or choose to upgrade to the VIP option to include Prosecco.

Happy weekend!

#cannonhallgardencentre #cannonhallgardencentreandthymebistro
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The team at Plant Club are busy making plans for 2023, wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year to you and your plants!

#plantclub #cannonhallgardencentre #houseplantsofinstagram #urbanjungle #plantporn #plantpeople #gardencentrelife #botanic #houseplantsmakemehappy #gardenersofinstagram #plantcommunity #cannonhallgardencentreandthymebistro #cannonhallgardens #plantparenthood #plantshelfie #plantsplantsandmoreplants #horticulturetherapy #rareplants #plantshop #plantplantsplants

Here's some handy tips for looking after your indoor plants this winter #houseplantsofinstagram #houseplantclub #houseplantjournal #houseplantbook #houseplantsmakemehappy #indoorplantsdecor #indoorplantsofinstagram ...

Tradescantia Yellow Hill only £11.99 and just 3 in stock
#tradescantia #tradescantiayellowhill #hangingplant #plantclub #plants #plantopedia #houseplantsofinstagram #houseplantclub #houseplantjournal #houseplantbook #houseplantbook #indoorplantsdecor #indoorjungle

Fully Stocked #houseplantsofinstagram #houseplantclub #houseplant #houseplantbook #houseplants #houseplantsmakemehappy #houseplantlove #indoorplantsdecor #indoorgardening #indoorjungle #indoorplantsofinstagram #indoorgarden ...

We love this new arrival Rhipsalis Red Coral
an epiphytic rainforest plant which has these amazing flat dangling succulent leaves which in the bright indirect light turn an amazing red colour
Here's some care tips
Bright, indirect light. A bit of morning sun will be tolerated.
Water once the top inch or two of the soil is dry. During summer or if placed in a warmer, brighter spot it will need watering more often.
3 in stock at £19.99
#rhipsalis #rhipsalisredcoral #epiphyllum #rainforestplant #cactus #houseplantsofinstagram #houseplantclub #houseplantjournal #houseplant #houseplantbook #houseplants #houseplantlove #indoorplantsdecor #indoorgardening #indoorjungle #indoorplantsofinstagram #indoorgarden #junglegardenuk #plantclub #cannonhallgardencentreandthymebistro

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